Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Marathon Morons

Monday was Marathon Monday, which reminded me that I had a few thoughts of my own about the whole spectator aspect of the marathon. Every year, thousands of people run the 26.2 mile race, which is a huge lifetime-type achievement, and even more thousands of people come out to watch the marathon, which is something I really don't understand.

I asked a few people about this whole issue on Monday and yesterday. Most people told me that they think spectators go out to "support" the runners. Like, if you know someone running in the marathon, then you go to support their "dream" of completing the race. "It's really for them, not for your benefit," was pretty much the resounding sentiment.

This statement made me realize that I'm not at all altruistic and I'm pretty much self-centered because I think it's a pretty slovenly activity to sit back and stuff your face with sandwiches, chips, and beers while thousands of people more fit and athletically-inclined than you run by. Can you imagine if your best friend was trying to lose weight and go to the gym, if you went with her and pulled up a chair to eat your chicken parm sub while she sweats away on the treadmill?

Of course not!