Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Angry Files 3

A while back, I read about an insane scheme where this woman had a website dedicated to helping her get out of debt. She basically put it out there that she had racked up insane credit card bills, buying clothes and shoes and just general things she could not afford. She then asked the public for help, requesting that they pay off her debt FOR her, bit by bit.

Here's the amazing thing: some morons DID! She even wrote a book out of the whole thing and earned a bunch of money. Not only did she get people to pay off her debt, but she then got people to sign on to the idea that it would be a bankable book idea. Unfuckingbelievable.

I wasn't sure whether to be appalled at the woman who set this site up, or the people who actually paid her debt. Well, I decided I can be mad at both. Since when is it okay to believe that other people - strangers! - should pay off your self-indulgent debt? And since when do people think that this is a worthy cause, rather than, say, poverty in America? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD?

You might wonder why I am thinking of this right now. Well, I was looking through Boston.com and I saw that another asshole is asking for donations. This time, a guy is asking for people to donate $1 so that he can buy back his childhood home that's now worth lots of money on the Cape. Okay. So, how about I go online and ask people to donate $1 for me to get the Chanel bag I've wanted since childhood? Or how about I ask for people to donate so I can pay off my education debt? Or maybe they should pay for the upcoming vacation I'd like to take?

Of course, I am not going to do it because I don't believe in putting up websites asking for money. I don't believe in getting into debt buying frivolous items and then having the audacity to ask someone else, who's got a job and has their own bills to pay and their own frivlous things to buy to pay for my own. If I'm going to donate to this woman's debt, I'm going to ask for some of her goods in return. And if I were going to donate to this dude's quest to buy his childhood house, I want a weekend share every year at the Cape. See, I'm not into giving and not getting. At least when it comes to this crap.

To all the potential donaters to these causes, I'd ask that you put your dollar somewhere else. Whether it's to a REAL cause or towards a morning coffee, anything is better than giving it to some freak who can't accept that they can't afford what they want or already bought. Suck it up is what I say. Suck it up.