Tuesday, June 21, 2005

End of the Day Notes

You know what kills me? I have all these ideas for pet peeves, and then the moment someone asks me, I can't think of any. It's ridiculous. For instance, what really gets me is when someone doesn't pay attention to something and then they ask you what they missed while whatever was happening is still going on, causing you to miss more. This always drives me insane. My dad does this at movies. He'll fall asleep and then wake up at this really big moment and he'll ask me to recount what he's missed for the last twenty minutes. Then he gets very annoyed when I give him a look and sigh and all. So I always give in and explain what's happening, and then he watches for about two seconds, and then he falls asleep again. This would be bad enough if it was a rented movie, but the guy does this in the movie theaters. Sometimes I have to nudge him to get him to wake up because he's seriously out and people are starting to wonder whether they should get the movie attendant.

This reminds me that I recently saw in Loews that they now have these little kiosks that they roll into the theater during that downtime before shows and try to get people to buy snacks. This is ingenious. Now, lazy people can go right in, sit down, and buy food in the theater. Whoever thought of this ought to have a huge job with a huge salary.

On the other end of the spectrum, I've encountered some morons this week. This Sunday, I was at Dunkin Donuts to get some coffee before work. The line was getting pretty out of hand, and this woman at the counter decided that this would be an appropriate time to debate the merits of a jelly donut versus a chocolate sprinkled donut. Which one should she get? Now, here's the thing: at Dunkin Donuts, a jelly donut is a jelly donut and a sprinkled donut is a sprinkled donut. It's not like at a restaurant where you can ask, "So, is your spaghetti sauce spicy or is it plain or is it chunky with tomatoes?" You get the idea. Well, this woman was like, "So, your jelly donuts, what, umm, kind of jelly is in them?"

I swear, this is the response from the employee: "Cold."

Very helpful. We have a braintrust working together here, obviously. We spent the next five minutes listening to various descriptions of what kind of jelly is in their jelly donuts - "raspberryish" "sort of strawberry?" and "red" - and then she asked if she could get a sample. Thank god the answer was no, because I probably would have hit the freakin roof. Can you imagine? A donut costs, what, a dollar? And she wants A SAMPLE?!? Is it really that hard to figure out what's in a jelly donut? It's this sugary jelly plus cake, lady.

Apparently, though, this woman thought Dunkies was running an organic healthfood shop, because after all this, she pulls out the showstopper: "I was looking to get jelly one because at least that has some fruit in it, but I guess I better just go with the chocolate donut with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles, because I don't know whether there's real fruit in the jelly one."

Umm, hello, Lardselle? I could have told you that there's no fruit in the jelly donut. Good grief. These types of people must have been Reagan's intended audience back when he decided to try to make ketchup count as a vegetable. And people wonder why Americans are viewed as complete lards.