Saturday, April 30, 2005

Oh Yeah

I just realized something else that I think deserves mentioning for being completely ridiculous.

On game shows, like Wheel of Fortune, I love when people spin the wheel and are like, "Big money... big money..." clapping and all, and then the wheel lands on some pathetic amount like the lowest $150, and they clap like their big money wishes came true. Obviously, any money is good, but they weren't cheering for the $150, they were actually cheering AGAINST the $150 because they wanted a higher amount, like, oh, say $1500. Just once I wish Pat Sajak would be like, "Yo, dude, stop clapping. That's not the big money you were wishing for."

And, I hate when it's so obvious what the answer is and someone still gets it wrong and guesses a letter that could in no way be right. Like there's a "" on the board and they guess "P." These people kill me.

Also, the movie Heavyweights is on, which is a pretty good movie that I used to love as a kid because you know my affection for fat people. The only thing is, they ahve this huge roly poly guy who gets the supposed-to-be-cute nurse girl who's skinny. In real life, that wouldn't happen.

Then again, they also wouldn't put their wicked leader in an electric-shock cage, either.