Friday, April 08, 2005

The Driving Test

I came up with this idea a few days ago. Here's how it goes: you know how people sometimes think they are really depressed? Like clinically? Yeah, well, here's the thing: sometimes, people aren't sure if they're just having a bad day or if they're truly at the need-help stage, so I devised a plan to help them (and their friends) figure it out. What you do is, you have these people who work for a driving company. The possibly depressed person gets in the car with one of the drivers, and they drive through mid-day traffic, almost getting into accidents. Most of the time, they wouldn't even have to try hard, because there are so many morons on the road. So the key is that somebody would be watching the reaction of the possibly-depressed passenger. If the person gets one of those "holy shit, we are going to die" faces, you know she's not that depressed. Because she doesn't want to die in a car accident. But, if she's got some pasted-on grin or weird blank face on as a mack truck pulls up in their back seat, then you know you're in serious trouble and you can go the second route: straight to the ward.

You know, this idea sounded waaaaaay more PC when I didn't add that part about the ward.

But still, I think it's got genius written all over it.