Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Not Much To Tell

Rain brings out all the morons.

People should have to apply for a license to carry an umbrella. They would need to pass a test, a walking test, with some simulated rain and stuff like they have on TV and in the movies. They could pay people to act like regular pedestrians: some with umbrellas, some without. How do they deal with this traffic? How about actual cars? You would be shocked at how many people think that an umbrella will save them if a car smashes right into them. It's like they think that because they can't see the car through the umbrella, it can't hit them. This flawed logic also leads to umbrella-carriers to believe that they are the only people on the street. It doesn't matter that they have a golf umbrella; they still need that four inches under the building awning. The person with just a sweatshirt hood? Nah. They can take the rain beating down on them. You have to love people like this. My personal favorite, though, is definitely when you are walking down the street and some jerk with an umbrella isn't even watching where they're going so they walk right into you and almost kill you with their stupid spokey umbrella. Complete morons.

The other morons on rainy days are the freaks who wear flip flops and a t shirt, as if in defiance of the rain gods or whatever. Seriously, every time it rains, there's somebody like this walking down the street. There are usually two types of these people: one type who seems to be enjoying the drenching, and the other type who is walking down the street, hands shoved in his pockets, frowning like this is the most annoying thing ever. I get a big kick out of that. I'm not sure that I think they should have known or anything, but it still makes me think, "Wow, what a moron." And you know what my next thought is? "Not surprising... seeing as it's RAINING out." I swear. It's like they're drawn to it.

And get this. I'm watching Oprah, and Oprah just asked Priscilla Presley, "Was it your idea to turn Graceland into Graceland? Because Graceland IS the number ONE tourist attraction in Memphis." Umm, Op? Memphis isn't that hot. It's what, either go to see where Elvis lived or check out the world's largest trailer park? Not a tough call. Chill on the Graceland garbage.