Saturday, February 19, 2005

Get Ready to Ramble

A few random ramblings of the morning:

I have a major dilemma with NutriGrain bars. They kind of drive me nuts, because the thing is, I don't think I like them at all, but I eat them for breakfast or lunch because they are quick and easy and come in boxes that I can pick up at CampCo. Here's the real weirdness: when I actually taste them, I think, hey, these things are pretty good. But, whenever I think about having to eat them, I get a little nauseous. I wonder why that is.

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's duet had to be the weirdest moment at the Grammy's, even weirder than Loretta Lynn's dress. Who thought of that peach colored bedroom set? A., I hate the color peach and it reminds me of cheap Spanish soap operas or the faux decorating high class period of the 80s and B. I think Marc Anthony looks like a mutant. Seriously, who chose that (the set and Marc Anthony)? Jennifer Lopez lost all credibility with me (the little shred that she had) when I saw her hubby. Who would choose that guy over Ben Affleck???

Also, on the note of Ben Affleck, I've been reading these reports about his hairy back or whatever. Apparently with his last gf in Boston, she complained about it to her best friend and then now Jennifer Garner's been complaining about it to her best friend. My question is this: what kind of best friend then goes and tells a NEWSPAPER? Does that not qualify you for the Worst Best Friend EVER Award? I think so. Also, Ben is hot. I don't care what anybody writes about anything.

I never really was into Snoopy or Winnie-the-Pooh. I remember in the sixth grade, Winnie and his friends were really big, but the truth is, I never watched Winnie-the-Pooh and when people are like, "Awwww, Winnie the Pooh!" I kind of have to pretend to be like, "Yeah... awwww," when in actuality, I'm just wondering where the thing's pants are. I just don't really get the whole fascination with this bear who wants some honey. I liked Charlie Brown and company, because I really liked his patheticness. I really did, so I guess I can take him out of this category. But recently it seems like everyone's into bringing back all these characters from their childhood. It's a little sick if you ask me. I don't want to see all these grown-ups walking around with Care Bear t-shirts, however much you liked them. (By the way, I had the most awesome Care Bear ever. It was Milkshake Bear and it was lavender with a picture of a purple milkshake with a pink striped straw, and I still think it was the most original thing ever. I sold it at a neighborhood tagsale for about 25 cents, which kind of depresses me now.)

I used to have these stretch jeans that I wore when I was in fourth grade. They weren't real denim material but they had the whole jean washed look. My mother told me they made me look like a major dork, but my friend Carrie had them and said they were the best things ever, so I also had to have them. Turns out, Mom was right.

Hmm. When I think about it, Carrie had a lot of things I wanted. I always liked her name, for one, and also she had a pretty cool room. She also had this stuffed animal dog, Oreo. I just thought this was the best dog ever, so I asked her where she got it and she said Ames. I remember being a snot and thinking, "Ugh, maybe I don't want it that much," but I guess I still did because I went to Ames and saved up my money and bought it. I still have it, which makes me feel even worse about selling Milkshake Bear.

I had a near-breakdown last Wednesday morning in class. My professor had us come in early at 8 AM to hear these guest spekers, and then he said he'd let us out at 10:50. We usually have class from 9-11:50, so this seemed fair. Well, 10:50 rolled around and no sign of stopping. In fact, at 10:54, the TA went into a whole new discussion and actually turned on her computer and started up a powerpoint presentation. Let me just say that this is, like, the biggest offense I can think of anyone doing to me. Seriously. Making me sit and listen to garbage past the time that the garbage is supposed to officially end should be outlawed. OUTLAWED. As in, stop double-spacing the ten commandment tablets and add room for this number eleven.

That's enough of that though.

I took like a two hour break between that paragraph and this one to go to Newbury Street and try to find some jeans at the Gap. My favorite jeans died. I can't bring myself to throw them away, but I also can't bring myself to wear them and frighten the world with their gaping holes everywhere. Sad. I can't find a replacement because the Gap hates me and stopped making my favorite jeans. I went back though, because the website said that they were now making my jeans again. I was real excited, too, but when I got there, they only had the new kind that I don't like. These things depress me. Also, the black shirt I had my heart set on had weird puffy sleeves. When the Gap fails me, there's not much hope left in life. But I continued on to American Eagle, where I tried on their jeans which were too short or too low, and I realized the entire journey was spiraling horribly down into unsalvagable doom faster than Britney Spears' career (that's a tough sell, that joke, and I realize it). And as it always turns out, the person who had no intention of buying anything - my good buddy Taldus - she found a cute shirt and her shopping day was complete. What did I end up buying? (This is after convincing myself that I have no money to spend on stupid stuff, only on essentials like new jeans and work clothes) I bought "While You Were Fucking Off" memo notes and a Magic 8 Ball. Oh, and a cool Believe poster about the Red Sox. And I wonder why I'm broke.