Friday, July 16, 2004

Roomus from Home

Today I watched a lot of TV. I haven't done that in so long, and it felt great. But it made me wonder about some things. First, I still don't agree with Jen and Dawson dating during the college seasons. Also, when Jen died on the final episode of the series, I thought it was the most hysterical moment of the TV drama. While she's crying and everything going nuts over missing her out-of-wedlock child, I'm sitting there laughing. If I wasn't watching Dawson's Creek, my reaction would have really worried me.
It kind of still does, I have to admit. I was more choked up over Pacey and Joey finally getting together for good. I thought of Pacey as a real person. Like, I had to know that he would end up okay. And him ending up with Joey solidified that for me. I was in a good mood all night because of that. It's really sick.
I also happened to see that the Game Show Network is showing episodes of "Love Connection." Aside from me automatically being pathetic for watching the Game Show Network under the age of 75, I was really surprised at how into the show I got. I would definitely put it up there with Blind Date as the greatest dating shows ever. Except for this one thing, which drove me nuts. I'm watching this guy, Roger, and he has to choose dates between Tammy, Heather, and Diane. And they show who the audience picked, and then they're like, "We'll find out who Roger picked and how their date went tomorrow, two and two." And then the show ended! I got really upset for a minute because I really wanted to see who Roger picked and how their date went, and it's Friday and I'm not going to be here Monday, so I couldn't watch it on Monday to see what happened. I was really feeling bad about the whole thing, until I saw that another Love Connection was coming on next. So I calmed down. And then the show began and there was Chuck next to some weird blonde lady, but no Roger! I was really upset. So I called my dad at work, because he obviously doesn't have anything to do, and I asked him what he knew about the Game Show Network.  He made fun of me for a few minutes and asked if I'd like to join him for an Early Bird Supper, but after that, he told me that the channel just shows re-runs, they don't run the shows in order. So I wasn't going to find out what happened to Roger, Tammy, Heather, or Diane. I'm left not knowing.  That really got me mad. And you know what else? Every time Chuck goes to commercial or ends the show, he says, "We'll be right back, two and two." What does "two and two" even MEAN?
I also saw this commercial today and it disturbe me. It showed Kevin Millar hawking KFC, making him officially the poster boy for White Trash. :(
As a side note, I forgot to talk about my sister and I getting in trouble for making fun of my brother's friend.  My brother had this friend, Prague or Parag. It was pronounced the second way. So anyway, Prague and his family lived near us. And we would drive by his house, and his parents/grandparents would always be sitting in lawnchairs... in their garage.  They would just be sitting there. I was going to write "outside," but I'm not even sure I can, because does being in the garage really qualify you as being outside? I don't know.  Prague's family had this huge wrap-around porch, but they wouldn't sit on that. They wouldn't sit in their chairs in the driveway. They would just sit in the garage, with the garage door open.  They didn't have anything with them, either. It was really odd. So we'd make fun of that. Never in front of Prague.  Once, when Prague was over, I did ask him how his parents/grandparents were. And he looked at me like I was nuts. I really thought my mother was going to yell at me, because she knew that my sister and I always laughed at the garage setting, but she did that "I'm mad but I'm trying not to laugh" face that she always gets when she wants to yell but can't. I really hope I have that as a mom, because I have to say, it is easily the coolest expression she has. Every time I see it, I really like her.  But, one Christmas, she didn't laugh when we started making fun of Prague's house. We were driving around looking at Christmas lights and we drove by Prague's house and I said, " would have thought they'd have decorated the garage, no?" And then my brother, who was probably six or seven, started to cry and get really upset tht my sister and I made fun of his friend.  It was a pretty sad scene, actually, my brother crying and all, and so my mom told us not to make fun of him anymore.  For years, we couldn't say a thing when we drove by.  It was really depressing. But then, when I came home this time, we started laughing about it again and that expression appeared, and so I think it's okay to laugh at now.
My sister's friend Chelsea had an issue yesterday. She would start crying randomly. It was crazy. She'd be talking normally about the weather or something, and I'd say, "Today's Thursday," or something harmless, and she'd start crying! But she'd laugh while she cried, so I wasn't sure if she was really upset or if she was laughing or what the deal was. And she was like, "What is wrong with me?" And nobody could answer her.
THAT was a great story.
My friend Amanda and I made this great video over spring break, of our trip to Vermont. Oh man, it is quality, quality work.  We filmed starting the night before we left. It's great. Her dog even makes a guest appearance.  And we filmed our drive up there. Only I messed up. My one job was to film the "Welcome to New Hampshire" and "Welcome to Vermont" signs.  I didn't get either.  It's really bad. I just missed them I guess. All I have on film is me saying, "Oh shit" and Amanda screaming at me. On the way back, I was supposed to redeem myself by at least getting the "Welcome to New Hampshire" sign on the way out of Vermont. So I got the camera all ready ahead of time, at Exit 2. And then it was on, and on, and... then it turned off! It had been on too long. So then when the sign came, I pushed record, but it didn't work, and then I pushed a bunch of random buttons. I got the damn thing to go on right as we were passing the sign. So I got this rest-stop area, which is kind of like the New Hampshire welcome area, but that really wasn't good enough. I thought Amanda was going to kill me.  When I got the "Welcome to Massachusetts" sign FINALLY, she just looked at me like, big whoop.  That is a great saying by the way. I'm going to bring it back. But anyhow, she was not happy.  Our trip to Vermont was pretty good though. If you're ever looking to go to Vermont for a few days, check out our video because it has all these great highlights from our vacation.  Like we were told that our hotel room had a mountain view. So we take the camera, and we're filming as we reveal the view from our room.  This IS reality television. Unscripted. And we open the shades, and... we're looking at a parking lot.  A parking lot that is in front of some mountains in the distance.  Basically, our mountain view was the equivalent of telling incoming BU freshmen about the BU Beach. These poor freshmen show up thinking that they have a beach right on the campus! The river is right on the campus! It says so in that crappy book of photos they send us! Yeah. Except they forgot to show Storrow Drive between you and the Charles. Similarly, the hotel forgot to mention that there is a PARKING LOT, plus almost the entire state of Vermont, between us and the moutains. Aside from that, the trip was pretty good, and the video is worth seeing. 
Speaking of home videos, I'm pretty upset that I can't find this video of me as a kid, where I'm like ten and dressed in those footsie pajamas and singing "Bad Boys." My father deserves some sort of credit for having the wherewithall to tape such a spectacle. 
You know what really gets me mad? When celebrities say, "My favorite beauty product is my $1.99 lipgloss from Target." Riiiiight. Like, if I go out and buy the $1.99 Lipsmacker lipgloss, I'll look just like Kate Hudson! Kate Hudson doesn't look like Kate Hudson with just her $1.99 lipgloss.  Really. Or when celebrities say, "I never work out. I eat whatever I want. I love doughnuts." All I'm gonna say is, Mary Kate was saying the exact same thing and look where she is now. 
This abuse of Mary Kate Olsen has to stop.
The Red Sox got off to a glowing start yesterday. I loved it when Kevin Millar, Bill Mueller, and Nomar Garciaparra all ran to make a play and then all of them just stopped short, letting the ball drop in fair territory and allowing a run to score. Second to that moment was when Derek Lowe began his meltdown on the mound and I got to start my own routine of "Two minutes to Wapner! Two minutes to Wapner!" My mother looked at me like I was nuts.
Oh and a note on my favorite manager. Today I read in the Globe that Francona was on a train, apparently in the "quiet car" when a woman asked him to keep it down.  When she told Francona it was the quiet car, Francona said, "It is? Well then, shut up." Here this guy is, trying to act like he is large and in charge, and he can't tell off Manny, Nomar, Pedro, Derek Lowe, or Wally the Green Monster. You have to love that.