Friday, July 02, 2004

Gross & Random

I have this weird problem. I don't really know where it comes from, but I kinda collect half-full bottles. Seriously. It is so messed up. I drink like half a bottle of diet coke and the bottle just sits around on my desk. Then I get a water, drink half, and it sits around. A few days later, an iced tea. It's so dumb. I don't know why, but these bottles never make it to: 1. the garbage or 2. the recycling bin.

During the year, I've been known to have up to ten bottles around my room. No exaggeration. And they're always half full. I suppose that's better than them being half empty. (Pity laugh?) But I really don't get why I do it. I think I just must be real lazy with it.

The other thing that is really pathetic is how I get rid of my gum. I'm pretty ashamed to admit it, but I have chewed up gum everywhere too. Man, it is so gross. Like I take an old post-it note and wrap the gum in there. And then I just leave the post-it note on my desk or something. Once, I was ready to get rid of a piece of gum and went to unfold a post-it to put the gum there, and I found an old chewed piece. That was when I was pretty fed-up with myself.

Sometimes, and this REALLY gets people, I'll spit the gum into a bottle. My friend Dave hates when I do this - he cringes and everything and tells me it's pretty gross. But the thing is, I have all those half-empty (what happened to half-full?) bottles everywhere, so I just figure they've got to be good for something. So I get rid of the gum in there. Then, if I'm really lazy or gross (or both), I'll have a piece of gum floating in some water on my desk. That really goes beyond gross though. I have yet to have two pieces of gum in a single bottle though. I usually get my act together and throw it away or something.

Can they make the seats at the Copley movie theater less comfortable? I don't think so. I hate that you have to pay full admission when the theaters are pieces of crap. Seriously, I have a bigger screen at home. It is ridiculous. I guess you're supposed to be all artsy, but I hate it. Although I did see Napoleon Dynamite and what a funny asshole he is. Man. That movie is worth going to just to hear him say, "Heck yes" and to see his bike trick. Trust me on it.

How many times a day do I check away messages? I think it's pathetic. It's always the same. Although some people really need to work on their away message skills. They should know by now how many people count on them for amusement, so the "work" or "class" ones are just pathetic. But I have to say, that puts a lot of pressure when you're just trying to find a quick one to put up. Sometimes I just get too lazy and put up a stupid one. Some might think that happens every day, but some days I really do try to be clever. Yeah, it's a futile pursuit.

What I hate though are those stupid away messages that detail every stupid thing that the person is doing that day. Oh my god. Detailing like from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed, with all their stupid chores of the day in between. And I hate when people try to make it like, "Look how busy I am oh my god I am going to die." They put stuff like: class 8-11, homework 11-12, lab 12-4, problem set 4-5, dinner 5-6, meeting 6-7, homework 7-12, bed." Okay. So that person wants you to think they're wicked busy, but wherever it says "homework" or "problem set," it's really code for dicking around. Seriously. These people are freaks.

I also hate it when people act like the world is going to end. An away message is definitely the place to post serious problems. RIGHT! "Oh my god, having such a bad day... must get cheery messages right now... help me... going to die." These people have problems.

OH, and then there are possibly the worst offenders who are like, "Class.... Love you baby, you are the best boyfriend ever, I love you." WHAT? That sounds so ridiculous when you IM someone and it comes back to you as their auto response. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a downer, and I appreciate that everyone who has a boyfriend and IM must, therefore, have the "best boyfriend ever," but I really do think it's a little tiring. Some inner circle in AIM hell is reserved for these poeple.

Profiles are a whole other story. But I don't really have the energy to go into them. Speaking of energy, does anybody have any idea what happened to that Energizer Bunny that just kept going and going and going? What happened to him? I haven't seen him in ages. Oh my god, did he just STOP?